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Algunos de los datos recopilados por este proveedor tiene fines de personalización y medición de la efectividad de la publicidad.
Algunos de los datos recopilados por este proveedor tiene fines de personalización y medición de la efectividad de la publicidad.
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1 / 6 This number is indicative of the product risk, where 1/6 indicates lower risk, and 6/6 indicates greater risk. | Cajamar Caja Rural is a member of the Spanish Credit Entities Deposit Guarantee Fund. The maximum amount guaranteed actually by this Fund is 100,000 euros per depositor. | Early reimbursement, redemption, or refunding of part or all the principal sum invested is subject to fees or penalties. |
Take advantage of your
Online deposit with 1.76% AER(1)
Sign up through online banking or through the Grupo Cajamar App
Sign up through online banking or through the Grupo Cajamar App.
With a term of 12 months
Minimum investment of €1,000. Maximum investment of €100,000.
Request your Online deposit from
(1) Representative example for a deposit of €10,000. NIR. 1.75 %. AER. 1.76% for 12 months with interest paid quarterly (€43.75 gross). Early cancellation fee: 0.50%
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