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Complaints and claims

In accordance with Act 44/2002 of 22 November, implementing Reform Measures for the Financial System, Entidad(,base_sip) has an independent internal Customer Service Department to deal with and resolve any complaints and claims you might submit, related to your interests and legally recognised rights, pertaining to contracts, the rules of transparency and customer protection, or good financial practices and customs.

You may contact this Service using any of the following channels:

  1. By writing to:
    Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar
    Servicio de Atención al Cliente
    Calle Ciudad Financiera, 1
    04131 – Almería
  2. By emailing servicioatencioncliente@grupocooperativocajamar.es. In this case, the complaint or claim raised must bear an electronic signature (Electronic Signature Act 59/2003, of 19 December).
  3. In Branch, using the Form for complaints or claims(in Spanish) (PDF 255,06 KB.), available, except in Catalonia, any other format you wish to use, or the official claims sheet (in regions of Spain where we are required to provide them).
  4. Through Online Banking

The authority and scope of this service are duly defined in the Regulations for the defence of the client(in Spanish) (PDF 143,85 KB.) available. Any complaints or claims filed must be resolved within a maximum period of: (i) 15 days, exceptionally extendible to 1 month in cases of payment services, (ii) 1 month for any other consumer matters, or (iii) 2 months in other cases.

We can also provide you with forms for filing complaints and claims with the Services for claims to bodies supervising the Spanish financial system

To submit a complaint or claim with those departments, you must have first submitted it to our Customer Service Department. Additional information about these customer protection bodies is available on the Bank of Spain's website, in the section entitled "The banking customer portal".

The filing of a complaint or claim with any of the bodies listed here is incompatible with any other procedure that involves administrative, arbitration or judicial proceedings.

The operations of Cajamar Caja Rural abide by the rules governing the transparency of banking operations and customer protection, as reflected in current legal regulations.