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About the entity

Cajamar Caja Rural is Spain's leading rural savings bank and credit institution. It is part of and the largest shareholder in Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, which as of 31 March 2024 has assets amounting to 60,132 million euros, a managed turnover of 98,906 million euros, a solvency ratio of 16.2% and a surplus to solvency requirements of 822 million euros. With more than 1.7 million members, it plays an important role in the modernisation of Spain’s rural environment, contributing through its financial and social activity to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of our territory, devoting special attention to the agri-food sector, as well as to the family economy, to self-employed professionals and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Our Group is committed to financial inclusion, and its 5,184 employees provide financial services to nearly 3.8 million customers through 1,000 branches and rural counters, of which more than 31% are located in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants and 6 are mobile banking units serving populations with fewer than 1,500 inhabitants in rural areas. In addition, they have their own digital banking, online banking and App.

As a national entity, it is present in all of the Spanish autonomous communities and cities. Based on its size and volume of assets, it is one of the 10 major banking entities in the Spanish financial system and, therefore, comes under the direct supervision of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), made up of the European Central Bank and the competent national authorities in the participating countries.

sscc cajamar

Entity information

  • Chairman: Mr. Eduardo Baamonde Noche
  • Managing Director: Mr. Sergio Pérez García
  • Registered Address:Plaza Puerta Purchena, 10, 04001 - Almería
  • Telephone: 900 15 10 10

Postal Address

  • Apartado de Correos 250-04080



Company Name:

  • Cajamar Caja Rural, Sociedad Cooperativa de Crédito.

Tax Code (C.I.F.).

  • F-04743175